300 South Riverside Security Officers are available 24 hours a day. In the event of an emergency, security can be reached at (312) 676-2519. In the event of an emergency where 9-1-1 is called, please then call our security personnel at (312) 676-2519 to alert security that an emergency call has been placed.
Visitor Access
All visitors must be registered with 300 South Riverside Security via the BuildingHub’s Visitor Registration System. Visitors must present photo identification at the center security desk in the lobby. The security staff will print a guest badge and contact the employee to announce his/her guest has arrived. Visitors must wear the guest badge at all times in secured areas of 300 South Riverside Plaza.
Property Removal Passes
To remove business property items from the building, a pass must be approved and presented to security personnel when departing the building.
Vendor/ Contractor Access
Should a vendor or contractor need to perform work in your suite during non-business hours, provide written notification to the Management Office that states the name(s) of the individual(s) and/or company, date and approximate time they will be on-site, and confirmation that the Certificate of Insurance is on file with the building.
Badge Activation
Between 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Monday through Friday, we are able to assist Tenants with any badge issues. These include: new hire badges, replacement badges, renewed access and troubleshooting. Contact our Security Director with any questions at (312) 676-2518.
Lost & Found
We have a lost & found box in the Management Office in Suite 1980-S. Contact (312) 676-2518 or email 300srp@300river.com to see if we have your lost item.